Paulo Santos

Senior Lecturer, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics College of Science and Engineering, Flinders University
Adelaide, Australia
+61 8 74219983

Research Interests

Research Interests

  • Shift Worker Health and Safety
  • Optimising Cognitive Performance
  • Fatigue Management
  • Fatigue Countermeasures
  • Technology, Health and Wellbeing



    • 2003, PhD Imperial College, London
    • 1998, Master of Logic, Institute for Logic, Language and Computation, University of Amsterdam
    • 1995, MSc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of São Paulo 
    • 1993, Bachelor in Physics, Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo 

    Professional Background

    • (2019 – Present) Associate Professor, Flinders University
    • (2017 – Present) Professor of Aritifical Intelligence, Centro Universitario da FEI
    • (2005 – Present) Associate Professor, Centro Universitario da FEI
    • (2003 – 2004) Research Assistant, School of Computing, University of Leeds


    • British Computer Science Machine Intelligence prize, 2004 (sponsored by Eletrolux).
    • Honour et meritus, Santander Prize for Science and Innovation, S. Paulo, Brazil, 2006.