Overview of Our Roadmap

Our projects are built upon 4 different thrusts: New Models to Understand and Anticipate Human Behaviour, New Algorithms for Energy-Efficient and Human-Based AI, New Paradigms for Autonomous Agents/Human Interaction and Understanding and New Solutions for the Management of Hybrid Teams

1. New Models to Understand and Anticipate Human Behaviour


Title Axis
Capture of Human Physiological, Cognitive Performance and Emotional State 1.1
Using Human Data to Augment Individual and Team Decision Making, and Team Management 1.2
Human Activity, Capability and Performance Understanding 1.3

2. New Algorithms for Energy-Efficient and Human Based AI


Title Axis
Cross Learning Between Humans and Machines 2.1
Self-Adaptation for Cooperation 2.2
Distributed AI on Resource Constrained Devices for Real-Time Performance 2.3

3. New Paradigms for Autonomous Agents/Human Interaction and Understanding 


Title Axis
Intelligent and Interactive Autonomous Agents 3.1
Theoretical Models of Interaction and Human-Machine Dialogue 3.2
New Interaction Frameworks and Technologies to Facilitate Cooperation within a Hybrid System 3.3

4. New Solutions for the Management of Hybrid Teams


Title Axis
New Models of Human-Intelligent Machine Cooperation and Interaction 4.1
Adaptation and Regulation to Reach Cognitive Equilibirum Between Humans/Autonomous Agents 4.2


PhD(s), Internship(s)

Support mechanisms for collaborations

CROSSING is an international, multidisciplinary lab. We have established the following mechanisms to support the development of innovative approaches to problems around humans-autonomous agents teaming, and to strengthen scientific collaboration between France and Australia. Please contact us for more details of any schemes, or to receive further details of how to apply.


CROSSING supports internships for undergraduate and postgraduate students, for a minimum of 6 weeks of stipend. New topics will be posted on the website, but please feel free to contact us to discuss a topic.

PhD and postdoctoral fellow packages

PhD students and postdoctoral fellows at CROSSING are eligible for an annual package to support costs associated with their research, which could include conference travel, travel between France and Australia for scientific collaboration, small equipment and publication costs, or other associated costs.

Visitor packages

CROSSING has funds to support visits from scientists for short and long stays. We especially encourage early to mid career researchers to consider a visit to CROSSING.

Small funds to support new projects

New projects or applications for grants that are aligned with the CROSSING roadmap and involve a CROSSING member are eligible to apply for funds to support data collection or the establishment of new collaborations.


Latest news and events about CROSSING…


April 14, 2022: Visit of Antoine Petit and CNRS Delegation to CROSSSING

RoboCup – result

New staff member

Congratulations to Prof. Ian Reid!
