Ian Reid

Head of the School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide
Senior Researcher, Australian Institute for Machine Learning
Adelaide, Australia
08 8313 2135

Research Interests

Research Interests

  • Computer Vision
  • Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning
  • Robotics and Automation




    • D.Phil. Oxon, 1992, Recognizing parameterized objects from range data
    • BSc (U. of Western Australia), 1987, 1st class Hons, GPA 4.0/4.0

    Professional Background

    • Professor of Computer Science, School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide, (Sept 12 – present)
    • Professor of Engineering, Dept of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, (Oct 00 – Sept 12, Reader Oct 06 – Sept 10, Professor Oct 10 –)
    • EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow, Dept of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, (Oct 97 – Sep 00)
    • Departmental Lecturer in Information Engineering in association with Exeter College, Dept of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, (Oct 97 – Sep 00)
    • Research Assistant, Dept of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, (Oct 96 – Sep 97)
    • Glasstone Research Fellow in Science, Dept of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, (Oct 93 – Sep 96)
    • Research Assistant, Dept of Engineering Science, University of Oxford, (Nov 91 – Sep 93)
    • Tutorial Fellow, Exeter College, University of Oxford, (Oct 2000 – Sep 2012)
    • Visiting Lecturer in Intelligent Systems, Oxford Brookes University, (95 – 98)


    • Fellow Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, 2016
    • Best Paper Award (with Zongyuan Ge et al), DICTA, 2016
    • ARC Australian Laureate Fellowship, 2013—2018
    • Best Paper Award (with Michael Milford et al), IEEE Workshop on Vehicle Technology, 2015
    • Best Paper Award (with Carl Ren, Victor Prisacariu and David Murray), 3DV 2014
    • Best reviewer award, CVPR 2015
    • Best reviewer award, RSS 2014
    • Dennis Moore Oration, Australian Computer Society WA Branch, 2013
    • Winner, Freescale Sense the World video competition (with V Prisacariu), 2010
    • Best Industrial Paper (with Alonso Patron, Marcin Marsalek and Andrew Zisserman), British Machine Vision Conference 2010
    • Best Student Poster (with Ben Benfold), British Machine Vision Conference 2009
    • Best Paper Award (with Oliver Woodford, Phil Torr and Andrew Fitzgibbon), IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2008
    • Paper “MonoSLAM: Real-time Single Camera SLAM” (with A Davison, O Stasse and N Molton) among top-cited of all Computer Science papers of 2007
    • Gledden Senior Visiting Fellowship, University of Western Australia, 2005
    • Best Science Paper (with Philip Tresadern), British Machine Vision Conference, 2003
    • EPSRC Advanced Research Fellowship, 1997
    • Violette and Samuel Glasstone Fellowship, 1993
    • Rhodes Scholarship (Western Australia), 1987/88
    • ACS WA (top student) and IBM WA (best honours thesis) prizes in Computer Science, University of Western Australia, 1987