Thierry Duval

Head of Computer Science, IMT Atlantique
+33 2 29 00 14 67

Research Interests

Research Interests

  • CVE Architecture
  • HCI Architecture
  • 3D User Interaction, Collaborative Work
  • Immersive 3D UI



    • Habilitation Thesis, 3D Collaborative Virtual Environments, Université de Rennes 1
    • PhD, Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction, Ecole centrale de Nantes
    • Engineer’s Degree, Computer Science, Ecole centrale de Nantes
    • CPGE Lycée Chateaubriand, Mathématiques Supérieures et Spéciales M, Mathématiques et Physique

    Professional Background

    • (2020 – Present) Head of the Computer Science Department, IMT Atlantic
    • (2017 – Present) Full Professor of Computer Science, IMT Atlantic
    • (2014 – Present) Member of the IHSEV Team, Lab-STICC
    • (2014 – 2016) Full Professor of Computer Science, Telecom Brittany
    • (2013 – 2014) Member of the Hybrid Project, IRISA / INRIA Rennes
    • (2011 – 2012) Member of the VR4i Project, IRISA / INRIA Rennes
    • (2007 – 2010) Member of the Bunraku Project, IRISA / INRIA Rennes
    • (1997 – 2006) Member of the Siames Project, IRISA / INRIA Rennes
    • (1999 – 2001) Researcher, IRISA / INRIA Rennes
    • (2001 – 2014) Associate Professor, University of Rennes 1 / UEB
    • (1996 – 1999) Associate Professor, National School of Statistics and Information Analysis
    • (1993 – 1996) Associate Professor, National Engineering School of Brest
    • (1992 – 1993) Temporary Assistant Professor in Computer Science, IUT of Nantes