Benoît Clement

Professor at ENSTA Bretagne
Professor at Flinders University
+33 (0)2 98 34 89 70

Research Interests

Research Interests

  • Global Optimisation used for structured robust control applied to robotics
  • Machine Learning for adaptive control



    • (2018) Qualification for Professor Position CNU 61 Section
    • (2015) HDR (Accreditation to Supervise Research) in Physics at Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Robust Control and Optimization
    • (2001) PhD, Physics, Université Paris XI funded by the French Space Agency and ArianeGroup, Aerospace Launcher Control Methodologies
    • (1998) Ingénieur Supélec (Automatic Control and System Design)
    • (1998) M.Sc in Automatic Control and Signal Processing, Université Paris-Saclay

    Professional Background

    • (2018 – Present) Full Professor at ENSTA Bretagne and Researcher at Lab-STICC
    • (2020 – Present) Professor at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
    • (2019 – Present) Expert with Images & Reseaux cluster, the benchmark competitiveness cluster for digital innovation in the Pays de la Loire and Brittany regions. Member of the Selection and Validation Committee.
    • (2020 – Present) Steering Committee of CORMORANT
    • (2018 – Present) co-Head of SENI Lab with Gregory Bartoli (Naval Group)
    • (2017 – 2021) Deputy Head of Lab-STICC (UMR CNRS 6285) at ENSTA Bretagne
    • (2020) Visiting Professor at Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
    • (2014 – 2017) Head of Ocean Sensing and Mapping team (ENSTA Bretagne)
    • (2009 – 2017) Associate Professor at ENSTA Bretagne and Researcher at Lab-STICC
    • (2011 – 2016) Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique (Maritime Cluster)
    • (2002 – 2008) Project Manager at CNES (French Space Agency)
    • (1998 – 2001) Associate Professor at Supélec