Title: Solutions for light pollution from console displays on naval platforms
Approval Date: Nov. 21
Summary : Operators on naval vessels are required to rapidly adapt to several different image displays in quick succession while carrying out their duties, at different times of the day and under different light levels. This project aims to improve human-machine interfaces on Australian naval vessels by developing a console solution to limit the negative impact on operators from light pollution.
Related roadmap thrusts and axis
– Thrust 1: Enhance the on-line understanding of humans within the hybrid team
- Axis 1.1 (Capture of Human Physiological, Cognitive Performance and Emotional State)
- Axis 1.3 (Human Activity, Capability and Performance Understanding)
Project Members
Name | Organisation | Role |
Prof. Anna Ma-Wyatt | The University of Adelaide | HF, Attention, Psychology |
Prof. Siobhan Banks | UniSA | HF, Fatigue, Psychology |
Scott Begbie | APC Technology | Industrial Advisor |
Heidi Long | The University of Adelaide | Postdoctoral Fellow |
Crystal Yates | UniSA | Postdoctoral Fellow |
Project Funding
- Defence Innovation Partnership
Start / Duration
- June 21-May 22