Title: Learning by Robot manipulation demonstration via generative adverse networks
Approval Date: Jan. 21
Research objectives:
- Use of Generative adverse networks to generate control for manipulation (and demonstration) in the context of Humanoid robots.
- Application: robots@home
Related roadmap thrusts and axis
– Thrust 2: New Algorithms for Energy-Efficient and Human Based AI
- Axis 2.1: Cross learning between humans and machines
- Axis 2.1: Cross learning between humans and machines
Project Members
Name | Organisation | Role |
M. Mohamed-Kalil Jabri | IMT Atlantique / The University of Adelaide | PhD Student |
A/Prof. Panagiotis Papadakis | IMT Atlantique | Primary PhD Advisor |
Prof. Javen Shi | The University of Adelaide | Primary PhD Advisor |
Dr. Ehsan Abbasnejad | The University of Adelaide | Secondary PhD Advisor |
Project Funding
- Brittany Region, The University of South Australia, SA
Start / Duration
- Jan. 20 / 3 years