Title: Human-Robot Interaction: Detect User Implicit Need of Help and Generate a Set of Assistive Actions
Approval Date: sept 2021
Summary : Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is an emerging subfield of service robotics. While most existing approaches rely on explicit signals (i.e. voice, gesture) to engage, current literature is lacking solutions to address implicit user needs. In this PhD, we will work on an architecture to (a) detect user implicit need of help and (b) generate a set of assistive actions without prior learning.
Related roadmap thrusts and axis
– Thrust 3 : New Paradigms for Autonomous Agents/Human Interaction and Understanding
- Axis 3.1 Intelligent and Interactive Autonomous Agents
– Thrust 2: New Algorithms for Energy-Efficient and Human Based AI
- Axis 2.1 Cross Learning Between Humans and Machines
Project Members
Name | Organisation | Role |
Cedric BUCHE | CNRS, ENIB | Supervisor |
Anne-Gwenn BOSSER | ENIB | Supervisor |
Paulo SANTOS | Flinders University | Supervisor |
Maelic NEAU | ENIB / Flinders University | PhD student |
Project Funding
- Flinders University
Start / Duration
- Oct 2021 / 3 years